News and events from the Environmental Law Society at Boalt Hall School of Law.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Strange Case of the Vanishing Bees

Bees seem to be vanishing all over the U.S. and Europe. Colonies are declining and in some cases experiencing full-scale breakdowns.

The causes are currently unknown, although there is evidence that many bees have compromised immune systems. Bees, of course, are very important pollinators of many plant species.

This is an interesting phenomenon. I first heard about it a few months back, but it seems to be just breaking the national news media.

Here's a link to the New York Times story.

And Scientific American


Anonymous said...

The likely cause of honeybee "Colony Collapse Disorder" is single-celled, spore-producing parasite Nosema ceranae. Check out the article in yesterday's Chronicle.

Tim said...

That article is here.

Tim said...

..but reading that article, I think it may be too early to say it is "the "likely cause." The researcher himself suggests taking a conservative stance, and government scientists claim they've already ruled it out as a possibility.

I think it's best to await further developments.

But my current favorite theory is that they have compromised immune systems from all the cell phone and wifi signals. all that electromagnetic energy is just too much for them. this is completely unsubstantiated, of course.